Dear Valued Customer,
This letter is to formally announce and inform you that in order to meet the needs of business development, the business of "CHANGSHU YOUBANG JIASHENG IMP. AND EXP. CO., LTD."located at RM1502, BLOCK A,45 NORTH HAIYU ROAD, CHANGSHU 215500, JIANGSU, CHINA(hereinafter referred to as "YOUBANG JIASHENG") wi be transfered to it's parent company "CHANGSHU YOUBANG RADIATOR CO., LTD." located at No.30 HUAYE AVENUE, DONGBANG, CHANGSHU 215534, JIANGSU, CHINA (hereinafter referred to as "YOUBANG RADIATOR").
We intend to notify you that there is no change in the management and contact person of both companies, We assure you of the consistency in our services.
The on going orders of YOUBANG JIASHENG will continue to be performed. YOUBANG RADIATOR will undertake all Technical Support, Quality Claims and other after-sales services.
You have always been our valuable customer and client. We look forward to your cooperation, and sincerely hope that your company could handle the procedures of supplier change after received the letter.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to your company. We hope that your company will continue to provide support and help in the future.
The announcement shall come into effect on March 22,2021.
For further details, please check out our website www. ybsrq. com.
Thank you very much!